- Coconut Shell- Ever wondered you will buy a coconut shell that too at a RS500
Rajtai Shree Coconut Shell Cup (Standard, Natural Colour)
I think people buy it for this purpose 😆
- Cow Dung Cake- Cow dung cakes are also available on amazon 12pcs @ 110rs 😆
- Fake Blood Capsules- It is totally edible and is made from corn starch, sugar etc etc , you have to put it in your mouth and bite it when you want blood flow from your mouth.It is perfect for halloween.
- Electric Shock gum- This product might not be weired for some as most of us seen in our school time but i have put it here as it is available on amazon.Its for pranking your friend by offering them gum when they pull it they will get an electric shock shock is of low magnitude so it will not harm but i am not sure though 😜
Fake Knife Through Head- This product will create an illusion that knife is penetrated through your head.It is available on amazon at arround 500rs.
- Weired Toilet Paper- Toilet paper printed with Donald Trump image on it.I personally think that it is not good to do this but as it is weired it is included in the list it is available on amazon at around 1500 rs.
- Tongue Brush for Cat-I dont know who will buy this but it is available on amazon for arround 4500 rs whopping amount for a brush 😅